How does Ketshop work?
Ketshop is a collaboration between a kid and their parent.
- An adult sets up an account, and creates profiles for each child.
- Parents set up a family PIN to switch between profiles.
- Both parents and kids can add products to a customized shop for each kiddo. You can browse for pre-screened products in the app, or use the search bar to find something specific.
- Adults can send money to their children through the app.
- Kids can buy products they can afford, donate to charities, and are encouraged to save up towards goals!
- Parents must approve all purchases. They receive an email with a link to either checkout or cancel the transaction.
- Kids get the item they purchased – all by themselves – in the mail!
How does my child sign in?
Children and parents have separate accounts. To sign in a child, simply click on your avatar in the top right corner, and select a child’s profile in the dropdown. You’ll be asked to create a family PIN, which will keep your admin account secure from curious little fingers. You’ll need the PIN whenever you switch between users.
What if some knucklehead hacks my account and pays themselves a fortune?
The money you send your child is virtual, so you can easily remove unearned funds by pressing the red minus button ( – ) in the child’s savings tab. If they made a purchase with the stolen money, all you have to do is cancel the purchase. It’s not final until you’ve approved it and entered credit card/shipping details. We will never ship a product until a parent has approved the transaction.
Where can I request new features, tell you about bugs, or make suggestions?
Join other Ketshop users on our feedback site where you can submit feature requests, bug reports and suggestions.
Request features, up-vote other user requests and more!
Why can’t I heart items in my child’s shop?
Parents can add or remove items in their child’s shop, but only children can heart products. This helps everyone see which items are most interesting to a kid.
Can friends or family members send money or buy gifts through Ketshop?
Yes! You can share your child’s favorite items with loved ones by clicking the share icon at the top of their shop. Then, simply share the link with whomever you like. Friends and family can contribute to your child’s savings, as well as see the items and causes your child has hearted. They will not be able to see your shipping address or any other identifying information.
In order to use the gift contributions, a parent simply emails [email protected] requesting however much they’d like to remove from their family’s account. Parents can remove funds at any time.
What if my kid spends all their money instead of saving up for things they really want?
Learning to budget is a process. Giving your child the space to make their own mistakes is 100x better than making all the right choices for them. So let them buy the things they want, and talk with them about how they feel afterwards. They may be happy with their purchasing decisions, or they may come to understand that saving up might be a better strategy!
Can I add my own custom product?
Yes! In a child’s shop, you can simply click “Add your own item”. You’ll be asked to add pictures, details, and a price. Once you’ve completed the item, you can save it to any child’s shop. Add anything you want – a favorite toy, clothes, items from other stores, or even unique experiences!
What’s your return policy?
For Ketshop fulfilled items, we accept returns for 30 days after purchase. We will do everything in our power to make sure you’re happy with your experience!
If you purchase an item that is fulfilled by another store, like a local toy store or Amazon, you’ll need to contact them directly. We do not collect your private order information, so returns are between you and the supplier.
How do I find my favorite charity?
Ketshop’s list of organizations is powered through JustGiving, the leading online charity platform. Though it’s a robust assortment, it’s not exhaustive. Encourage your local non-profit to create their own official JustGiving account! Alternatively, you can add a custom cause in Ketshop, however you’d need to complete donations manually.