This summer, Ketshop is a proud sponsor of Tahoe City Movie Nights. We are face painting (for free!) every Wednesday in July! We have met a wide array of delightful kids, as well as their wonderful parents. We had a blast getting to know the community of young families in Tahoe City.
In order to sign up for face painting, parents were asked to complete a brief survey about their parenting strategy. Scroll down to see the results of our survey – learn how parents like you are dealing with the difficulties of raising kids, and how they’re planning to teach financial basics. Further down, you’ll find the beautiful faces we got to decorate at Tahoe City Movie Nights!
Parents completed a short survey about how they manage family issues. Check out the answers below, and see how your family compares!
Which of these issues affects your family most?
How do you plan to teach your child about money?
Want to add your two cents?
Take the survey to let us know more about what’s important to you.