I had the pleasure of being interviewed on the Fireside app by Tara Clark from the Modern Mom Probs podcast. We had a great conversation about my journey as a mompreneur, the origin story of Ketshop, and a variety of “modern mom probs” that I tackle in my own life. Continue reading to discover some of the topics we covered!
Modern Mom Prob #1: Freedom to choose, or making the right choice?
Parents often struggle to find balance. I wanted to give my kids the freedom to make their own decisions, but also ensure those choices were appropriate and responsible. So we created Ketshop, where parents can curate products for their kids while teaching them valuable decision-making skills.
Modern Mom Prob #2: Coins aren’t current anymore
During the interview, Tara asked me how I talk with my children about money. I shared that the first step is just starting a conversation. We can’t expect our children to simply in our footsteps. Many of us give them coins and hope they understand how money works. But it’s important to teach kids to shop the way adults do, using the same tools and resources. Ketshop allows kids to save, spend, and give using a modern interface, the same as most adults.
Modern Mom Prob #3: Validation isn’t enough
Sometimes what our children want isn’t appropriate right now, but we want to ensure they feel seen. So Tara takes photos of the item with her phone, but it didn’t take long for her kids to realize the photo would never materialize into the actual item. In Ketshop, you can easily upload that image to your child’s shop, allowing them to track their progress towards achieving their goals – for real.
Giving children a set of pre-approved options allows them to make responsible choices and the freedom to learn from their mistakes. Parents no longer need to decide whether the answer is “yes” or “no” because it’s up to the child. Seeing my young children figure out how to manage their own finances has been incredibly rewarding.
Tara pointed out teaching children about budgeting can be a challenge. However, by starting the conversation early and using tools like Ketshop, kids learn important money skills at a young age. I’m grateful to Tara for having me on the show and for giving me the opportunity to share my story and the mission behind Ketshop!
Listen now on the Fireside app or YouTube